Why you should steer clear of CV templates

At first glance, a CV template might seem appealing as many people are not sure the best way to structure their CV’s. However, whilst it may appear to be the easy option, it doesn’t look good to an employer when they’re reading it.

Here at Kenny Refresh & Recruitment, we offer a bespoke CV writing service with a free consultation and a hatred for templates!

In this article, we will cover the main reasons why you should avoid using CV templates when applying for a job

No originality

Every CV is different as they are formatted in a specific way to suit the job at hand and the applicant's qualifications. This is because people lay their work out differently to others in order to impress an employer for a job vacancy. Your CV should represent your personality as it’s a reflection of yourself on paper which is what employers are eager to see when they scroll through their applications. If your CV stands out and you’re picked for an interview, then clearly your CV has made an impression. 

It’s important to be original when you’re writing a CV, as that’s what appeals to the employer the most. An employer will notice if your CV was created by a template or you have copied it from someone else, as they have probably been inundated with copies whilst looking through their applicant list. This is why it’s key to remain original when writing your CV as the employer will gaze over in detail.

There are many avenues you can take when creating your CV. If you’re after something simple, then jot down everything you want to include in a word document. But, be aware that this will not sell to the employer easily as it will come across to them you haven’t put much effort into it. If your aim is to stand out from the rest then we encourage you to think outside of the box.

For example, you could create a CV through Adobe XD which allows you to tell your story to the employer and put a clearer picture of what your aims and aspirations are going forward. Granted this can be a long process, however, you will no doubt stand out from the crowd and the employer will be pleasantly happy with the amount of effort you have put in.

woman writing a cv for kenny refresh & recruitment

Employers will notice

As stated previously, an employer will notice if a CV has been created from a downloaded template website as they can spot mistakes instantly. A big giveaway is poor spelling and grammar, if you use a CV template you assume that what you’re writing is spelt correctly and makes sense. This is not true.

The first thing an employer will look out for is spelling and grammar, as in today’s society it’s an important quality to have within a job. A solution to this problem is to ask a friend or family member if they can read through your work as they will likely make you aware of simple mistakes you’ve made.

A second or third opinion to glance over your CV only helps you even more, as that further points you in the right direction. No CV is perfect and an employer will give you the benefit of the doubt, but ensure you don’t heavily rely on a CV template as the employer will catch you out. 

If you’re struggling to write a CV and need professional help with it, then you’re already at the right place. Here at Kenny Refresh, we offer a top-quality CV writing service that will catch the attention of an employer instantly, whilst also showcasing your beaming personality. Interested? Find out more here.

employer reading an interviewee cv for kenny refresh

Not reliable 

There are many websites across the internet that sell CV templates for people to use, but how can you know if the seller is an expert on CV writing? The answer is you don’t, and many people just want an easy option so they will buy the product without thinking it through first. Your aim should be to impress the recruiter and not bore them with the same templates they see every day. 

Your CV should present a great example of who you are as a person and what you have accomplished. Taking the time to thoroughly write your CV will reap many benefits for you, and not just please the employer. For example, you will master writing content and create eye-catching layouts, formatted in a unique way that stands out from the rest.

It might be a mountain of a task at first, but once it’s done - it’s done. You won’t need to change much of it in the future as all you will need to do is update a couple of things and that’s it. Instead of placing your faith into a template that isn’t reliable, you can create your own which will be reliable but also different and better than anyone else.

employee unhappy being unreliable

Plan of action

Now you understand why you should steer away from CV templates, you must be thinking - ‘what is my next step’? Well, to begin with, have a look at templates people have published online in a similar working field so you know what to aim for. Don’t copy any of their ideas, but get a feel of how they have formatted their work so you know the standards you should be setting yourself.

Next, before you start enhancing your CV with fancy annotations, make sure you get the basics right first! This means, ensuring all of your content is on there and you fill it up as much as possible, remember, the key to your CV is showcasing how bright you are. Employers will have a keen eye on everything you have achieved and hope to accomplish in the future, so be sure to make this clear.

Ask a friend or family member to glance over your CV to review your spelling and grammar. Encourage them to be picky so that you understand where you can improve on and what not to do in the future. Constructive feedback is very beneficial, especially for tasks like creating a CV. Once the basics are correct and everything is formatted right, you can begin to get creative. 

We encourage you to think outside the box and use tools such as Adobe to bring your CV to life. 

person preparing his cv for kenny refresh & recruitment

So, what are you waiting for? Go be creative and unique with your CV today! If you’re still unsure and need help, then get in touch with us today for your free consultation.


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